Physic-mechanical tests |
Certificate |
The scope of accreditation
We offer comprehensive, accredited laboratory tests of packaging and packaging materials:
tests of physical and mechanical properties,
barrier tests,
optical properties testing.
Sample scope of tests:
strength tests eg stress and elongation at break, peel strength, axial pressure, impact resistance by free falling arrowhead
strength tests of hot-welded joints (HOT TACK),
testing of barrier properties (determination of oxygen permeability, carbon dioxide and water vapor),
testing of optical properties (determination of light transmission coefficient),
testing of the identification of plastic materials using FTIR and DSC
M. Sc., Eng. Jacek Frydrych
Tel.: +4822 8422011 int.32
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Bogusław Zdanowski
tel.: +4822 8422011 int. 32
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