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Physic-mechanical tests
The scope of accreditation
ab 185

We offer comprehensive, accredited laboratory tests of packaging and packaging materials:
  • tests of physical and mechanical properties,

  • barrier tests,

  • optical properties testing.

Sample scope of tests:

  • strength tests eg stress and elongation at break, peel strength, axial pressure, impact resistance by free falling arrowhead

  • strength tests of hot-welded joints (HOT TACK),

  • testing of barrier properties (determination of oxygen permeability, carbon dioxide and water vapor),

  • testing of optical properties (determination of light transmission coefficient),

  • testing of the identification of plastic materials using FTIR and DSC

Detailed scope of research

Order form

M. Sc., Eng. Jacek Frydrych
Tel.: +4822 8422011 int.32
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Bogusław Zdanowski
tel.: +4822 8422011 int. 32
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