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Certification of the content of renewable raw materials in packaging products

In recent years, significant progress has been made in the production of biodegradable materials and the importance of such packaging on the market is growing rapidly. Packaging made of biodegradable materials function in a closed life cycle and are therefore ecological. These packaging are transformed into compost as a result of chemical and biological processes that can be used to produce renewable natural raw materials (starch, cellulose).

In 2015, COBRO introduced a Certification Program for the content of renewable raw materials in packaging products. This certification applies to packaging products placed on the domestic market, which are manufactured from renewable raw materials or with the use of renewable raw materials. The purpose of certification is to determine the percentage level of such raw materials as well as to grant permission to use trademarks registered by COBRO (in different color versions selected depending on the graphic layout). The detailed rules for the use of signs for specific packaging products are defined by the Technical Committee for the certification of the content of renewable raw materials.

In the certification of packaging products, three limit intervals of the percentage content of renewed sources (biomass) related to the use of specific characters are used                                                                                                                             

                                                                                                                             20,00 to 50,00 %


     50,01  to 84,99 % 


 above 85,00%


When using the above-mentioned signs, their size is not specified, but it is required that the mark on the packaging product be clear, visible, legible and durable, even after opening the package. It is required that the certificate number is marked on the mark, which precedes the letter symbol defining the packaging product: A - for packaging, B - element, C - packaging material.

Packaging and Environment Department
tel. 22 842 20 11 int.39
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Files to download:

List of certificates granted 

Certification program

Contract template


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